
Importance of Web Page Keywords in Your Website

Benefits of web page keywords

Finding the right web page keywords so your website will show up on the first page of Google, and other search engines is the main goal for internet marketers. The good news is that it really is not that hard to do, with a little patience and a little practice you can optimize your web pages and benefit from free traffic too.

It is really quite simple, if you do it the right way and you get that coveted first page ranking for your website, you will get a lot of traffic, quality targeted traffic, for free.

These are called organic searches. Someone will go to their web browser and type in a search term. Let’s say someone is looking for golf balls. If they search for that term and if you’ve optimized your web pages with those keywords your website can show up very high in the search results.

This is called Search Engine Optimization (SEO by rank by focus) and it is a great way to get a ton of very targeted traffic which is completely free.

By ranking so high it also gives your site a lot more credibility. The average internet web surfer does not really know that much about how it all works. For that reason, many people assume that the websites listed on the top of the results pages are the best.

And in a way they are, they are the best at optimizing their web pages so they can cash in on all that organic traffic.

So, how do you benefit from using these keywords to land on the first page of the search engines? Well, the first thing you have to do is compile a list of keywords. If you really want to benefit from a top-ranking you need to target the keywords you use very carefully.

It’s easy to think that you should grab all the most searched for keywords in your niche, but that very rarely works because those keywords are just too competitive.

A much better, and more efficient, the strategy is to find keywords that are made up of 3 – 4 words. These long-tailed keywords won’t get the huge hundreds of thousands of searches, but they will get plenty of searches a month and they won’t be so competitive that you can’t rank for them anyway.

If you choose a dozen, or more, of these long-tailed keywords and each one gets say around 1,500 searches a month, you stand a very good chance of ranking for several of them, not just one.

That will provide you with plenty of traffic and since the traffic you are getting is from people who are searching for the exact keyword (and item) that you have to sell, you will get a lot of sales.

It’s just not that hard to optimize your web pages for search engines. The better you get at adding the best

web page keywords, the more organic search results you will get. That is free traffic and you will make more sales and have a much higher rate of return on your investment of time. Other than time, it’s totally free.

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