BlockchainGeneral News

DogData leverages Immutable Blockchain Technology for Dog Microchip Identification using erc721

DogData IEO and Listing with is the first on_block explorer to use blockchain and a P2P token ecosystem to manage decentralised Dog care practises to improve Dog welfare and save Dog owners money. DogData leverages the benefits of the exchange of knowledge and experience between Dogs breeders and pet Dog owners using advanced technologies and a gamified erc20 Ethereum based token exchange system to make Dog welfare rewarding.

DogData is the first ever platform to tokenize exchanged community interaction ( knowledge and experience Data) that are rewarded with Dog breed specific suggested product and service discount tokens that create an ecosystem using the results of data analysis (AI) from Dog life data recorded immutably on blockchain for erc20 Ethereum based token rewards.
On_block Explorer technology is used to immutably record DogDog life data, puppy births, microchip numbers and vaccination immunisation blood test dates. ( including Rabies and Coronavirus )

First MVPs

In 2020 which was launched in 2019 by Dog industry leading experts has grown quickly to become the first of its kind web3 community platform connecting pet Dog owners and professional Dog breeders using blockchain to record life data and a token ecosystem to reward community interaction with over 15000 new users in the first four weeks, modernising, disrupting and potentially completely decentralising, the multi trillion dollar worldwide Dog breeding industry. users Data analysis (AI) designed to learn algorithmically and capable of being able to guide nurturing better human Dog welfare practises, saving money and time through efficiency and historical genetic Dog life data analysis. 

  • The DogData Blockchain privately securely  records immutably a pet Dogs life registry, Birth Certificates, Achievements, Offspring, Veterinarians Vaccination Immunisation blood test dates and death. DogID Uses Ethereum erc721 asset token

  • Tokenized knowledge exchange marketplace rewarding and gaining life experience knowledge and Data using Ethereum erc20
  • DogData deep learning agent 
    • Hereditary genetic fault analysis for breeding 
    • Dog breed pet finder using Socio data analysis for specific breed suggestions
  • DogData tokenises the platform’s communities pet Dog product or service needs as a point of sale discount after analysing comparatively Dog breed specific user data suggesting the independently proven affiliated suppliers breed sensitive product or food. Either drop shipped or via crypto payment on mobile using QR code as reference for a crypto payment gateway used by participating mass retailers 
  • Android and iOS Mobile app with Facebook API search for a local Dog related event or create and ticketise your own Dog related event 
  • Dog sale Smart contract for tracking the Dog conditions P2p using blockchain 


 Future developments ;

👉Online Community Virtual DogShow ( starting June )

👉Travel solution 

👉Accommodation solution

👉Virtual pet sitter online puppy watch

👉Facebook integration and DogShow entry

👉Biometric AI Development 


Important Dates to remember for the IEO on BITFOREX –

Subscription Time:

Round 1: 2020/05/18 17:00(GMT+8) – 2020/05/20 17:00(GMT+8) 

Round 2: 2020/05/25 17:00(GMT+8) – 2020/05/27 17:00(GMT+8)


Subscription Price:

Round 1 = 0.008 USD / ETHBN

Round 2 = 0.010 USD / ETHBN


Subscription Amount:

Round 1 = 375,000 USD 

Round 2 = 375,000 USD


10% bonus for all investors above USD 5,000 in any round

Trading time:

2020/05/29 17:00 (GMT+8)


Official exchange announcement:


More Details about DogData – 


Follow DogData on all the Social Media Channels –  


About author


Morris is a Technology enthusiast and a writer by night. He has been a part of TheTechly for quite some time and he contributes knowledgeable news articles from the Technology niche.
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