
Factions, Fanatics, and Refineries | The Tryhards NFT Metaverse Deep Dive

Let’s start with a backstory. 

The TryHards metaverse first came about when Satoshi Nakamoto unleashed a wave of chaos in the cryptocurrency world, which was quickly met with a worldwide war. Any remnants of humanity became divided into factional lines. At present, there are four different factions, the Robots, Undeads, Apes and Survivors, an important decision right off the hop. To equip you with the right information to start the game, we would like to introduce you to the Factions.

Meet the Factions

Apes: The Ape Faction came about upon their return to the jungle planet of Simios. In the events transpiring after the Satoshi Masacre, Apes became subject to experiments, where they were forced to fight for their freedom from the lab. The Apes were later successful in their escape from the land prisons they were subject to and have since reclaimed the Jungle, where they continue to rule.

Robots: The Satoshi Corporation released the first blockchain-based robot back in 2011. Although something Satoshi didn’t expect was that the robot would gain the ability to think for themselves, and quickly left Planet X for the uninhabited planet,  Talosium. It was here that Robots found their equals through the reproduction of their own code. Now Talosium is thriving, and so are the Robots on it.

Undeads: Over on planet Magmar, life was seen as unfit to sustain life. For years, Magmar’s volcanic landscape made it a scorching wasteland until one day, all corpses of an ancient civilization were swept out of existence by a volcanic apocalypse. After this mysterious event, the Undead were now above ground and seeking out other planets, joining the Factions and fighting in the Arena. However, the Undead have a unique advantage, that they are immune to pain.

Survivors: Survivors are the Planet X natives who managed to survive the technical revolution started by Satoshi Nakamoto. With the events that transpired, this Faction was driven from their home planet to Esperanza, where they aimed to build their society as it once was. Over 1000 years later, they remain committed to fulfilling the hopes of their pioneering ancestors and returning to their home, Planet X.

With these backstories in mind, the question is left to you. Which Faction will you choose?

Where Fanatics Fit In

Within each Faction, there are 5 Fanatics, which players can earn from one of our initial NFT drops or by buying them directly in our in-game marketplace. Players can use their Fanatics (also known as Champions) for their power or fight them for glory in the Planet X arena. 

Additionally, players are challenged to compete for a set of Factions (for example, collect all 5 Robots). In return, they become eligible to earn extra universe power (up to the number 70). Universe power then becomes the determining factor in setting a user’s staking rewards.

Leveling Up

As players progress in the game, they may also choose to level up their Fanatics with crystals. It is important to note that all NFTs, both weapons and Fanatics cannot be upgraded in rarity, but they can be in level. Starting at level 1, players must collect crystals that are dropped throughout the game. Each crystal can later be composed or decomposed based on a user’s needs by visiting the refinery, for example, if a certain number of refined crystals are needed, three lower quality crystals can be upgraded to meet this need. 

To get crystals, users may obtain loot boxes, provide liquidity to the TryHards metaverse or buy them on the secondary market. Currently, crystals are being dispersed with a decreasing drop rate mechanism, which depends on the liquidity provided by the TryHards community. Therefore, those who begin playing from the get-go will have a higher chance of obtaining crystals than those joining later. 

The Early Adopter Advantage 

While joining a community of like-minded pioneers early on is motivation in itself, taking advantage of the decreasing drop rate to level up characters early will only improve your chances of success in the metaverse!

TryHards is excited to launch their Initial Dex Offering (IDO) across 5 launchpads. This will help to open up a decentralized and permissionless platform to raise funds for TryHards.

At the core, the market cap is restricted to 200 Million $TRY tokens out of which less than 11.6M will be in initial circulation. After careful selection, TryHards has decided to launch its IDO on DuckSTARTER, Seedify.Fund, Polkabridge, and ProStarter launchpads!

Stay tuned for the big launch day on November 24th when Tryhards launch their $TRY token at Quickswap and PancakeSwap DEX platforms, giving users the option to trade $TRY on either the Polygon Network or Binance Smart Chain.

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About author


Morris is a Technology enthusiast and a writer by night. He has been a part of TheTechly for quite some time and he contributes knowledgeable news articles from the Technology niche.
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