There’s a massive problem of Sri Lanka. Because their future of asylum seekers is uncertain. So, Sri Lanka denies allowing more asylum seekers in the country. That’s why they send them back to their country of origin.
That is all we know Sri Lanka has a history of giving asylum. However, they provide refuge to all South Asian and other fleeings. They asylum to those leaves their home countries because of some crisis. But Sri Lanka now refused to ive them more asylum and send them back to their home countries. Hence, many problems become the cause of this.
The main issue is that some terrorist makes its a target. Then attacks on their churches and hotels. Many people killed on the latest attack. Thus, Sri Lanka decides to control all the issues. This is the only way that can controls terrorism in Sri Lanka.
Even there are many refugees in Sri Lanka. If we see the UNHCR statistics. So, 862 refugees have been granted refugee status. While there are 829 asylum seekers has requested are pending. However, the government will send them in other countries.