The app was removed in January but has been installed again
Google has reinstalled the chat app ToTok. It is supposedly a spying tool for the United Arab
Emirates, from the Play Store for a second time. The app was before dragged from Apple’s
App Store and the Google Play Store in December. There was a suspected report as The New
York Times printed. Google silently remove the app in January. The app seems to have
continued not available on the App Store.
9 to 5 Google focused the news of ToTok’s takedown before today. When touched for
remark, Google guaranteed to The Verge that it took down the app. But didn’t offer any
justification for its reason. It uninstalls ToTok the first time for violating unspecified policies,
according to the Times.
ToTok is a messaging app that promised “fast, free, and safe” messages and calls. Millions of
people installed this app in the UAE and the Middle East. We can say that before its
uninstallation from Play Store and App Store in December, it was at the top of most installed
social apps in the US. But the NYT’s analyst says that the app permits the UAE government
to the detective on users.
ToTok refused the “malicious reports” in a declaration printed in December. They stated that
they did not get any admiration of privacy and guaranteed protection. They said that our users
also have the accomplish authority over what data they like to share at their pleasure.”