PoliticsJanuary 26, 2020Notice Issued to the Minister By Nathan Frasier The contempt notice issued by (IHC) to Gulam Sarvar Khan. Because he is terming the release of…Read more 0 0 Share
AsiaJanuary 26, 2020Three London properties of Justice Qazi Faez Isa’s wife: SC By Nathan Frasier ISLAMABAD: The SC stated that prima facie three properties in London held by the wife of Justice…Read more 0 0 Share
TechnologyJanuary 26, 2020A threat to internet freedom in Hong Kong By Nathan Frasier Hong Kong activists criticize the court ban on ‘violent’ content as a warning to internet…Read more 0 0 Share
AsiaJanuary 26, 2020Future of asylum seekers in Sri Lanka By Nathan Frasier There’s a massive problem of Sri Lanka. Because their future of asylum seekers is uncertain.Read more 0 0 Share
HealthJanuary 26, 2020Traction Alopecia Causes Hair Loss By Nathan Frasier Latest searches warned to every person; do not traction your hairs. Because it may cause hair loss.Read more 0 0 Share
AsiaPoliticsSocial CrisisJanuary 26, 2020Internet shutdown in Iran By Nathan Frasier According to reports, 80 Million people affected internet shutdown. The Iran government shut down…Read more 0 0 Share
EntertainmentJanuary 26, 2020Victoria’s Secret 2019 Fashion Show Officially Canceled By Nathan Frasier In the latest news, we get a report about the cancellation of Victoria’s secret 2019 show. The…Read more 348114 2 Share
BlockchainSeptember 10, 2019OKEx Exchange to use Hedera Hashgraph By Morris One of the world’s biggest cryptocurrency exchanges, OKEx, will become one of the only exchanges…Read more 0 0 Share